Meet the Lone Star Tick! It's warming up outside and you might be spending more time outside, but you might encounter ticks. So be prepared!
Lone star ticks are just one of several species of ticks that occur in the South, and each of these species can transmit more than one tick-borne disease. For example, lone star ticks can vector tularemia, ehrlichiosis, heartland virus, and southern tick-associated rash illness. Bites of lone star ticks can also cause people to develop an allergy to red meat. This malady that occurs when people become sensitized to the carbohydrate alpha-gal in the tick saliva. Because some of these tick-borne diseases can be quite serious and debilitating, it is wise to take appropriate precautions when working or playing outdoors, especially if you will be in areas where ticks are likely to occur.
Control: The best way to avoid ticks is to stay out of the woods and weeds and on the beaten path. Think about where the animals ticks feed on spend most of their time and try to avoid such places, especially when not properly prepared. Take appropriate precautions when entering “ticky” areas. Wear high-topped boots with pants legs tucked inside, and shirttail tucked into pants. Use DEET-based repellents to protect exposed skin and use permethrin-based repellents to treat clothing and shoes that will be worn into “ticky” areas. Do not apply permethrin products directly to skin! Shower and check for ticks as soon as possible after returning home, and promptly remove any ticks found. Wash hands immediately and thoroughly after handling ticks and use alcohol to disinfect areas surrounding tick bites. Those clothes you were wearing may still have ticks on them. Wash them in hot, soapy water immediately to avoid having hungry ticks wandering around the house.
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